I set up this blog as a way to share my (healthy) obsession with nail polish and make up, but I've recently branched out into other things, along with my latest interests in health and fitness!
I'm hoping to build this blog, and I'm happy to guest blog on other peoples blogs, as well as sharing what I have learnt with anyone who reads this.
I can be contacted at:
knickers.nailsblog@gmail.com - |
or on here for further information
Affiliate Links
Sometimes I will include a link to a product and it's an affiliate link. If you click through and buy something I get something silly like a penny. Please don't begrudge me the odd penny, but click through if you wish.
Affiliate Links
Sometimes I will include a link to a product and it's an affiliate link. If you click through and buy something I get something silly like a penny. Please don't begrudge me the odd penny, but click through if you wish.