Skimlinks Test
Skimlinks Test

Saturday, 31 December 2011

New Years Resolutions 2012

Afternoon lovelies,hope your well and have enjoyed your Christmas, it was all over yesterday for me as we have so much family to visit on both sides!

So I sat down and wrote out my list of things I want to achieve this year, but I've split them up into different categories to help my poor OCD brain cope with them!

So here goes

Blog resolutions
1) Have a redesign
2) Reach 100 followers
3) Get into a habit of blogging regularly with different posts

Hair and Beauty
1) Grow out my hair to its old length
2) Try and become more adventurous with my make up choices
3) Maintain my skin routine, using Liz Earle and my Clarisonic

Body and Clothing
1) To set small weight loss goals and stick to it
2) Wear more skirts!
3) Have a clear out of my old stuff and replace with things I will actually wear

Money and Work
1) Hit outstanding for my teaching
2) Continue saving and pay off overdraft
3) Clear credit card

So there you have it, this year had been a real mix of ups and downs, a lot more ups then downs but I want to build on this year and start off 2012 well!!

So what do you think, any that are similar to yours?

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!!! Xx

*Image from


  1. Hey lovely, I think your resolutions are all good ones, but be careful you don't put tooooo much pressure on yourself! I'm working on a resolutions post, but I have to have a good think about them! xx

  2. Happy New Year!! All the best with your dreams and goals for 2012.


    this is my resolution post :)

  4. Aww, good luck with all your goals for this year.
    I remember my NQT year... I promise it gets easier xx

  5. Paying off overdraft is never a fun thing to have to think about at the start of a new year! Good luck to you (and me) :-D



I read and appreciate every comment I get - if you would like to let me know what you think then please leave a comment xx