Skimlinks Test
Skimlinks Test

Monday, 15 April 2013

NOTD - Models Own Grape Juice - Review

Possibly my favourite colour in the world, Grape Juice is the perfect pastel purple, its pretty and girly and the right side or pink toned for not giving me lobster hands.

The scent wasn't as noticeable of Strawberry Tart, its still there but. 

This has the potential to be the perfect polish, except for one thing, for some reason the formula was really difficult to work with. It was streaky and unco-operative and for some strange reason it took a real dislike to my thumb nails, refusing to dry.

It lasted for about 3 days, but it took a real battering at the weekend and didn't look awful. I might try layering this over a white to get it to work, or I might have been having an off day!

Anywhoo the colour is amazing, the scent not so obvious and still a bargain for £5. What do you think? Have you had any trouble with the formula?


  1. i have a shade very similar and love it!!! so perfect for spring!

  2. LOVE the colour - shame about the formula! :/ x

  3. This shade is so beautiful and is great for spring :) xo

  4. This will sound so silly, but I love how the colour matches your blog hahaha...*hand over face*

  5. I've never tried this brand but it is a lovely colour!

    Corinne x

  6. Amazing colour



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