Skimlinks Test
Skimlinks Test

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Review - Elegant Touch Rapid Dry Spray

We all know I'm a nail addict, I change my polish at least twice a week, if not more! I don't away get the time to change it and let it dry properly, instead resorting to throwing on paint and hoping not to smudge it too much before bed!

Well, I've now found the secret to perfect nails, quickly! I've seen the rapid dry topcoats, but how about a spray version?

Elegant Touch Rapid Dry Spray claims to give you touch dry nails in 60 seconds. just paint your nails, hold the can 10cm away and spray onto the nails. I don't know what or how it works, but you are left with dry nails very quickly.

It doesn't smell, doesn't damage you skin, you don't need to wash it off after, plus it's only £3.05 from Boots, why the 5p, I don't know! I received this one in a Glossybox, however I have since stocked up as it was on offer on 3 for 2!

For someone like me who is short on time, or is impatient when applying nail polish then this is a great litter product, and one I can't rave enough about!

What so you think? Do you leave enough time between layers or not? Any other products I should try? Xx


  1. Thats very innovative!!

    xx Jeeshan

  2. Some of these instant dry sprays don't work very well and cause bubbling on the nails, but this sounds great so I might actually use the one I got in the Glossybox :o). Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  3. This sound right up my street

  4. What a great idea, I might have to pick this up

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


  5. I'm the worst with being too impatient after painting my nails! Always end up smudging them and getting annoyed at myself. :( This sounds good for someone like me!



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