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Skimlinks Test

Friday, 23 August 2013

Review - Indeed Labs Hydraluron

Hello passing bandwagon, let me jump on board. I know, every blogger & their mother owns a tube of Hydraluron but one more review can't hurt?

I held off buying this for ages as it is very expensive and I didn't understand what the purpose of it was, how could skin be oily but dry but dehydrated and what was an acid going to do to help it?

After much research I decided to bite the bullet and picked it up when there was a 3 for 2 on skin care. The little tube sets you back £25, a lot for one product I feel.

I apply this in the morning before my moisturiser, it helps to lock the moisturiser to the skin, re-hydrating the skin from lower skin layers. Initially my skin just felt the same, a bit more moisturised but no different. Over a couple of weeks of regular use I have noticed a big difference to my skin, especially the dry bits on my cheeks & between my eyebrows. My skin feels softer and smoother plus things look a lot less dehydrated.

Now is in my life, I cant imagine ever being without it, Hydraluron will always be a part of my skin care I think, until something better & cheaper comes along maybe!

Have you tried Hydraluron? Any of the other Indeed Labs products? Xx


  1. I just did a review on this as well! I feel the same I don't know how i lived without it! xxx


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