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Skimlinks Test

Sunday, 29 January 2012

This Weeks Ups & Down #4

Afternoon lovelies, hope you've had a good weekend, can't believe how quick Monday has come around again!!

Looking back over this week, it seems it's been really quiet!


  • This week I've had some great success with eBay, making £60 to go toward my camera fund, so hopefully will be closer to buying a camera soon!!

  • As well as eBaying some items I didn't want I also donated a massive Ikea bag full of clothes to some different charities. I was holding on to stuff I didn't wear in the hope of slimming into them but I haven't in 4 years and won't any time soon.


  • Having no money. It's nearly payday but I've put myself on a spending ban as I have too many clothes and products that need using and I need to clear my cards and overdraft, but still knowing that I have no money makes me nervous.

  • Seeing my reflection. The diet and exercise isn't going so well and has kinda stalled so the mirror has been covered up in my room as I hate looking in it. I don't know what's gig on as I'm at the gym most night for classes but seeing no difference on the scales, need some motivation and something :(

So that's this week, sort of a blah week really.

Thanks for reading xx

PS here's a picture to make you smile :)



  1. You have NO idea how much that pic at the end made me smile. :) Also, I can understand about not being able to be happy with your reflection. These days I've started giving myself positive criticism as well as trying to find at least one good thing I like about myself. Really helps self-esteem. Upbeat music always encourages me with exercise. :) xo

    1. Glad the picture made you smile. I think I need to be more positive and the weight will come back off, negative thoughts having a negative impact xx

  2. Definitely sounds like an up and down week. But great news on the Ebay! Always awesome to get the money rolling in, I think it's the posting thats such effort!x

    1. Tell me about it, and have to post 7 items, all of them are quite big! But it's all going towards a better end cause! Xx

  3. You may well still be loosing even though it isn't showing on the scales, maybe your building muscle and loosing fat?

    Well done on the eBay money, I need to get motivated to put some stuff on x

    1. Think I am, scales have just been unkind recently, need to get out the tape measure! Xx

  4. i need to go on a spending ban! and start saving

    cute piccy

  5. keep your chin up! i'm trying really hard to diet and workout too but i tend to hit plateaus and lose hope. it will get better though :)

    My blog: Boho Vanity

  6. covering the mirror is a good plan, its hard to see a difference daily, and try not to get too caught up with what the scales say either, its how you feel that is the important bit! I know it hard work but keep at it, it will be worth it in the end! and good news with the camera money!!!


I read and appreciate every comment I get - if you would like to let me know what you think then please leave a comment xx