Skimlinks Test
Skimlinks Test

Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday Fitness - Zumba Fitness for the Wii

Evening lovelies, hope your well and planning a great weekend! I cant believe how fast this week has gone, its been quite stressful at work with a lot of staff off sick!

I've been really lazy this week, think its the cold weather but I've been cancelling a lot of my classes and staying at home. To counteract this and the extra amount of food there is to tempt me, I had a rummage around through my Wii games and re-discovered Zumba Fitness!

Zumba fitness is a great interactive game which brings Zumba into your room, with no fuss or need for a large open space. For a very reasonable price of £22.99 you get the game as well as the Zumba branded remote belt. The belt is what makes this great as you put the remote into your belt, put the belt on and then wear the belt and it tracks your movements more accurately! 

The game is really dynamic and let you chose if you want to just dance or follow a work out routine! All the routines include a warm up which is really important so you don't get hurt! I had my set up to do a 30 minute routine 4 times a week which was great fun!

It offers you the option to vary what songs you pick, as well as the level of difficulty which I know is great for the days I can't be bothered!

But what about weight loss? Well, I used it routinely 3 times a week for 30mins for 4 weeks and a lost a grand total of 6lbs, how much this was down to the Zumba I don't know but I really enjoyed it and boy did my legs hurt after! 

So there you go, another Wii fit game which would make a great Christmas present for someone, or as a gift to yourself to get you ready for the party season! 

What do you think, have you tried this or any other Wii workouts?

Thanks for reading xx

1 comment:

  1. Ooo i will def try this out! I wanna shift a few pounds for Christmas especially my stomach.
    Lucy xx


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